Friday 13 March 2015

Red Nose Day

In the morning, we made our own balls out of plastic bags, like the Ugandan children do. It was very fun and we learnt a lot from making them! First we had a ball of paper and we had layers and layers of plastic bags wrapped around them. Then, we put elastic bands around them to make them secure.

In the afternoon, we had a water obstacle race, while dribbling with our plastic balls! It was so much fun and everyone enjoyed doing it. Thank you to everyone who sponsored a child in our class to do something 'funny for money'!

By Milda and Rachel

Monday 2 February 2015

Julias Caesar by Tom Jemima and Hollly.

On Tuesday the 27th of January 2015 we had an a amazing play performed to us called Julius Caesar. It was an amazing show about his life and after his death with modern day things involved. It was performed by only four people so they had to play lots of  different parts. But there was also some help from some people from our school including Jemima from our class. This play was quite hard to understand because they were playing so many different roles. They spoke very clearly so we could hear them right at the back.We learnt a lot from watching Julias  Caesar  even though they used mobile phones and they didn't have them when it was previously made. Also they made fake guns and cameras, they looked really real and made cool noises. IT WAS BRILLIANT!!!!

Friday 9 January 2015

Welcome back to Term 3!
Class 4 have had a good start to the term and have thrown themselves into preparing for our Ancient Egypt Experience which you will have received a letter about. We do hope you are able to come and join us on Monday January 19th between 2:30 and 3:15.
In Maths we have had fun collecting data and creating bar charts, including an investigation which involved seeing how many 2p pieces you can turn over in 10 seconds.
We also visited the Lifebus and learnt how to cope in tricky situations by being assertive (putting our needs first). I am sure this a is a skill Class 4 will find useful, if they have not already done so. The session finished off with a talk about drugs, including nicotine, alcohol and medicine and their side effects.
We really have learnt a lot this week!

Friday 12 December 2014

Blogging in Class 4

Another good week draws to a close in Class 4. Today we have started blogging. Class 4 have been practising the 100 word challenge. Take a look at their efforts on our 100 word challenge blog:

(I notice the link on this page isn't right, so ignore that and use the above link instead.)

You can also take a look at the 100 word challenge website:
where some of Class 4 have had their words published. They are:
Meg 466
Luca 1043
Summer 1046
Izzy 1047
Evie 1048
Ava 1089
It's quite exciting to have your work published on a website and we hope to do more next term.

And finally, don't forget the Class party is on Monday. Bring your jim-jams and a packet of sweets or a snack to share with your friends. Some of you will, I'm sure, have a DVD that you might like us to watch.

Miss Jones

Tuesday 9 December 2014

What an exciting day! Year Five were treated to a Science Workshop given by some Year 12 students at Badminton School. We have been studying 'Changing States' in Science this term and we certainly saw some remarkable changing states - flowers froze and the petals crumbled in our hands; bananas and blutack became as hard as rock and balloons shrivelled up before re-inflating themselves. This was all done with the help of liquid nitrogen and some very good science explanations from the students themselves. Thank you Mr Williams for kindly organising this event. We hope it inspires lots of you to go on and study Science at your next school and even possibly, university!

If that wasn't enough fun, we were also presented with a bowl of ice cream each (frozen with the help of liquid nitrogen, of course!).

Miss Jones

Monday 8 December 2014

Welcome to our blog!
Class 4 have had a very busy week. On Tuesday, we walked to Redland Education Centre for the 'Christmas Through the Keyhole' trip. We iced biscuits and collected clues about the story as we did the trail.

There were some wonderful cakes made for the Christmas Cake Decorating Competition. Class 4's were beautiful and Ava was delighted to win. Well done to all those who entered!

Miss Jones